Oxford to Cambridge region Partners at UKREiiF 2024

March 14, 2024

Colleagues from across the Region will be at this year's UK Real Estate and Infrastructure Investment Conference (UKREiiF) in Leeds, from Tuesday 21 May to Thursday 23 May.  

We are there to showcase the investment potential and dynamic innovation ecosystem that characterises the Oxford to Cambridge region.  Our pan-regional collaboration is on a mission to accelerate economic opportunities created by our region’s science, technology, and business strengths, and to work with investors, real estate professionals, developers and government to achieve significant environmental enhancements and unlock investment for inclusive, high quality sustainable development for our region.

Our aim is to help shift the dial on business and investment decisions from being ‘cautiously optimistic’ to 'confidently ambitious'.

Join us at the Oxford to Cambridge Region Pavilion, located in Pavilion Square where we will be hosting a packed programme of events.

We are joining forces with the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority who’ll be at UKREiiF as Pavilion sponsors too. Head to the CPCA Pavilion to debate how to sustainably turbo-charge Cambridge, explore the impact of an international rail station in Peterborough and, talk about regeneration.

Oxford to Cambridge Pavilion programme of events

Tuesday 21 May

1.30pm-2.30pm - Securing a 50-year legacy from east-west connectivity - opportunities for business and investors

- Dipesh J Shah OBE, Chair, Oxford to Cambridge pan-Regional Partnership

- Keynote address: James Heath, Chief Executive and Executive Member, National Infrastructure Commission

- Prof. Karen Holford CBE, Chief Executive and Vice Chancellor, Cranfield University

- Dr Andy Williams, Chair Oxford-Cambridge Supercluster

- Naomi Green, Managing Director, England's Economic Heartland

- Will Gallagher, Chief Development Officer, East West Rail

2.45pm- 3.30pm - Can nature take centre-stage in masterplan developments?

- Panel Chair - Graham Munday, Energy and Environment Marketing Director, Hydrock

- Caroline Danby, Head of Strategic Growth, Central Bedfordshire Council

- Andy Levy, Head of Projects, University of Cambridge Estates

- Charlotte Graimes, Smart Energy and Sustainability, Hydrock

3.45pm - 4.30pm - Fireside Chat - Foreign Direct Investment across the Oxford to Cambridge supercluster

- With Lord Richard Harrington and Duncan McCunn, Managing Director Cambridge&

- Chaired by Michelle Sacks, Chief Executive, Huntingdonshire Council

Followed by a drinks reception from 5pm, sponsored by Hydrock and with guest speaker, Melissa Roman Burch, Chief Operating Officer from New York City's Economic Development Corporation.

Wednesday 22 May

10.15- 11.15 - Access to the grid is a constraint on  every single aspect of growth. What action can we take to fuel sustainable  development and power our fastest growing cities?

- Session chaired by Cllr Susan Brown, Leader Oxford City Council

- Barbara Hammond MBE, Chief Executive, Low Carbon Hub

- Nigel Tipple, Chief Executive, OxLEP

- Bill Cotton, Corporate Director, Environment and Place, Oxfordshire County Council

12.15- 1.45pm - LAUNCH EVENT

Join our investment spotlight event and meet the leads behind the exciting investable projects featured in our region's first Investment Atlas and global investor prospectus, unveiled today.

We'll have five project leads pitch their propositions live.

2.15pm - 3pm - Fast paced R&D and a revolution in skills

Join us on a journey of motorsport, future logistics and the cutting edge of innovation. This exclusive panel will dive into how the incredible capabilities across Northamptonshire and wider Oxford to Cambridge region are driving sustainable investment and delivering place-shaping for the benefit of the community. Looking at two clusters in particular – the Silverstone effect as well as the impact of being a knowledge hub for logistics, the panel will consider the knowledge intensive clusters operating across the area, the skills ecosystem and the ability for high-tech innovation to charge UK plc into the future. This session will focus on why this area is so attractive for investment and how the public and private sector are collaborating to develop a thriving place that will achieve an inclusive and sustainable economy.

- Stephane Bazire, Head of Business Sustainability and Partnerships, Silverstone Circuit

- Louise Seymour, Assistant Director for Place Shaping, West Northamptonshire Council

- Alistair Lomax, Director, Arc Universities Group

- Jason Longhurst, UK Head of Sustainable Investment and Partnerships, Prologis

Session hosted by West Northamptonshire Council

3.30pm - 4.30pm - Green finance for a prosperous future for both people and the planet

Green finance is essential for aligning financial activities with environmental sustainability. Join us to hear ideas and reflections on new models for financing a greener future with responsible investment, while fostering innovation and balancing growth.

- Session chaired by Prof. Alistair Fitt, Vice Chancellor Oxford Brookes University

- Martin Reeves, Chief Executive, Oxfordshire County Council

- Chinyelu Oranefo, Director ESG Strategy for the Real Estate and Housing sector, Lloyds Bank

- Emma Harvey-Smith, Chief of Staff, Green Finance Institute

- Zoe Metcalfe, Connected Thriving Places, Client Director, Atkins Realis

- Stuart Leslie, Director, UK Infrastructure Bank

4.30pm - 5.30pm - Drinks reception hosted by Oxfordshire County Council

- Meet senior ambassadors and hear why Oxfordshire is not only the place to live, work and invest, but how collaboratively the county is driving innovation to find solutions to the world’s greatest challenges. Sponsored by Tap Social.

Thursday 23 May

From 9.30am - Join the Oxford to Cambridge Region partners for coffee and pastries.